Sempra's LNG soon will make more smog

In Mexico, Sempra (SDG&E's parent) is spending a Billion dollars to build a terminal for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). LNG is created overseas by compressing and cooling natural gas from gas fields. The LNG is then pumped into special, huge ships for transportation to the U.S. At the terminal in Baja, the LNG will pumped from the ships into tanks and converted back from liquid into gas. Next, the gas will move into pipelines for distribution to the U.S. Recently, Sempra's CFO, Mark Snell, reported to a Lehman Brothers CEO Energy/Power conference that the Engeria Costa Azul LNG re-gasification terminal is more than 80% complete and that he expects it to begin operations in 2008.

Unfortunately, the gas from the LNG contains more butane, ethane, and propane than our current natural gas supplies. Burning it produces much more oxides of nitrogen; and oxides of nitrogen are a key ingredient of Smog. So Sempra's LNG will result in more smog. The new gas could be cleaned up to match the quality of current natural gas supplies; but Sempra does not want to invest in such equipment. Instead, Sempra is hoping that re-adjusting the gas burning equipment will prevent more oxides of nitrogen. However, think how much effort it would take to adjust the hundreds of thousands of gas burners in stoves, furnaces, etc.!

The location in Mexico prevented the usually early environmental reviews. So now, at this late date in construction, the only choice seems to be pressuring the owners of the pipelines, TransCanada, and two State agencies: the California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) and the State Lands Commission. Lawsuits have been filed by the South Coast Air Quality Management District, the City of San Diego, and others.

Question: Why isn't the San Diego Air Pollution Control District also joining in the lawsuits to protect the public?

Local transit cut by state budget

The California State budget, that was recently adopted, hit local transit providers with major cuts. Statewide, about $1.3 Billion are to be moved into the state's general fund. In response to the State's cuts, the California Transit Association has sued to block the shift, citing voter-approved constitutional provisions for transit.

The good news is that the east-west, light-rail line in North County is built.

SANDAG pitches another study for refilling beach sand.

SANDAG is proposing a $500,000 study, in preparation for another massive sand replenishment in 2010. They want each beach city to fund a proportional share of the cost of the study.

Some cities are resisting because of their disappointments with the results of the 2001 beach-sand effort. Many of the beaches, that were widened in 2001, are back to narrow strips. Proponents of the new project suggest that the sand simply moved from the beaches to off-shore sand bars; and that another project would eventually cause the sand movement to "fill up" and reach equilibrium. More pessimist persons point to the long-shore currents that move sand from beaches down into the deep submarine canyons in the ocean.

Semi-protection for the Western Snowy Plover?

After six years, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has issued their plan to keep the Western Snowy Plover from extinction. (You can sometimes see these small birds on the shoreline of our beaches; running back and forth, following the edge of ocean waves. Try looking in Pacific Beach in the Winter, when dogs are not running loose.) Unfortunately, like the Least Tern, the Western Snowy Plover also nests in beach areas that are under pressures from beach users (two and four legs) and from development.

Early assessments of the proposed plan indicates that plan depends too much on volunteers, lacks adequate funding, and might worsen the situation by relaxing federal controls.

Senator Kehoe's bills help San Diego River and Renewable Energy by Local Governments

Two more environmental bills from State Senator Christine Kehoe have reached the Governor for his signature:

SB 419, Preserving San Diego River: SB 419 will further protect the San Diego River by strengthening the state agency which oversees the 52-mile water route. It expands the San Diego River Conservancy's governing board, widens the agency's jurisdiction beyond the current half mile range on either side of the river, and adds cultural and historic resource protection to its mission. Senator Kehoe first created the San Diego River Conservancy with a bill in 2002.

SB 451, Generating renewable power by local governments: SB 451 will encourage local governments to generate their own renewable power. Right now, there is no way for surplus renewable power generated from one government location to be "banked" or "credited" toward the power use of another location. SB 451 gives cities the option of transferring electricity generated at one city-controlled property to meet the power needs of other city properties.

"Addressing San Diego's Water Woes"

For a great overview of the political-leadership obstacles to solving the City of San Diego's water problems, read "Addressing San Diego's Water Woes" published in the Union-Tribune. The author, Bruce Reznik, is Executive Director of San Diego Coastkeeper and a member of the Board of the League of Conservation Voters, San Diego.

San Onofre State Park supported by the San Diego City Council.

The San Diego City Council has voted to support the San Onofre State Park and to oppose the park's destruction by Orange County's proposed Toll Highway SR241. Special thanks to Council member Donna Frye who continued to work on this important issue. In addition, Council members Toni Atkins, Kevin Faulconer, Brian Maienschein, Scott Peters, and Tony Young voted for the resolution. Council member Ben Hueso voted against any resolution because he is also on the California Coastal Commission and wanted to keep an open mind. Council member Jim Madaffer opposed the resolution. Mayor Sanders has a limited time to act on this resolution.

New power plant in Pala?

The California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) is preparing an environmental review of a new power plant in Pala. It would be built by Orange Grove Energy, L.P. on land owned by SDG&E. The property is currently designated General Agricultural (A72) in the San Diego County general plan. The project would have a nominal electrical output of 96 megawatts (MW) using natural gas. Construction is planned to start in winter 2008 with a six-month construction period. Operation is planned for June 2008. Opponents have expressed many concerns, including the two, 80 foot exhaust stacks (in a scenic area), air pollution, and need for water.

Wetlands to be sprayed to reduce mosquito breeding

The County Vector Control will use a helicopter to apply mosquito larvicide to local wetlands to reduce mosquito breeding and the risk of West Nile virus. Controlling mosquito breeding is essential in preventing the spread of West Nile virus. The aerial applications will occur monthly at numerous key breeding areas during the mosquito breeding season. They state that "the larvicide is not toxic to humans and does not pose a risk to wildlife or the environment." Of course, not everyone accepts such a benign assessment. Aerial applications are planned every four weeks until the weather cools. So far this year, in San Diego County, 8 humans, 88 birds, 4 horses, 1 sentinel chicken, and 2 mosquito pools have tested positive for West Nile virus.

Sunrise Powerlink: more controversy and PUC hearings continue

An article in the Voice of San Diego by Mike Niggli, of SDG&E, triggered a storm of responses on the validity of "facts"; plus some emotional arguments. The PUC is scheduled to resume hearings on September 26th.

PUC provides money incentives for energy conservation

The California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) adopted a regulations to use financial incentives for energy conservation and to reduce greenhouse gases. Up to $450 million will be awarded over three years to Pacific Gas and Electric, Southern California Edison, San Diego Gas & Electric and Southern California Gas if they meet targets to cut energy consumption. On the other hand, if they do not meet the targets, then they would be penalized by rate reductions. The money comes from rate increases approved by the PUC. The PUC believes that individual consumers could offset any increased costs, by energy conservation.

However, The Utility Reform Network called the plan a "bribe" to utilities for doing their job.

San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) welcomed the plan. Anne S. Smith, SDG&E's senior vice president for customer service, said: "The commission's decision is another clear demonstration of its commitment to energy conservation, and we applaud this groundbreaking move." Smith also said: "We continue to believe energy efficiency is the most cost-effective and environmentally responsible means to meet our long-term energy needs."

Over the past 15 years, SDG&E has invested $485 million in energy-efficiency programs to help customers save more than 2.9 million megawatt-hours of electricity -- or approximately the energy produced over a year's time by two power plants.

Question: Now that PUC has added financial incentives for energy conservation, when will SDG&E lower it's forecast of need for it's proposed Sunrise Powerlink?

Encina Power Plant to increase electric output.

The owner of the Encina Power Plant, NRG Energy, filed plans with the California Energy Commission to increase power output by 200 megawatts by mid-2010. They also plan to rename the complex to the "Carlsbad Energy Center." Three old, water-cooled, generators (about 100 megawatts each) will be replaced with air-cooled , more efficient units.

Alternative Energy: Envirepel finalizes it's pilot waste-to-energy plant

In Vista, Envirepel Energy is finalizing it's waste-to-energy pilot demonstration plant. The pilot plant will generate 2.5 MW from waste wood. Envirepel has designed larger plants for Fallbrook (up to 90 MW) and Ramona (4 MW net). All of the electricity will be sold to SDG&E.

Border Sewage: Court say no more delays and Senator Feinstein pledges $66 million

The U.S. District Court refused to grant the federal government any more time extensions in cleaning up the sewage flowing from Tijuana into the U.S. In addition, U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, who sits on the Senate Appropriations Committee, said she will work to get $66 million to improve the wastewater treatment plant in San Ysidro. That plant is run by International Boundary and Water Commission and competes with the proposed Bajagua plant. For more information, see the article in the Union Tribune.

New exhibit features alternative energy

The Reuben H Fleet Science Center has a new exhibit: "So WATT! An Illuminating Look at Energy"

40,000 pounds of trash removed from beaches and coastal canyons

About 40,000 pounds of recyclables and trash have been removed from the beaches and coastal canyons of San Diego County. Thanks to the 5,600 persons who helped!

State Senator Christine Kehoe battles Global Warming.

State Senator Christine Kehoe has sponsored Senate Bill 210 to help Global Warming. That new bill will require a 10% reduction of carbon in fuels by 2020. Senator Kehoe expects that her bill will result in bio fuels being much more available in California. This bill will implement an executive order by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger into law. Consequently, the Governor is expected to sign the bill into law.

Unfortunately, Senator Dennis Hollingsworth, R-Murrieta/eastern San Diego County, opposed the bill with unscientific claims that it will increase air pollution, etc.

LCVSD urges COASTAL COMMISSION to support San Onofre State Park and to oppose the toll highway.

The League of Conservation Voters San Diego County (LCVSD) has urged the California Coastal Commission to reject, in its entirety, the proposed sixteen-mile "Foothill South" 241 toll highway construction through San Onofre State Park.

That this project is environmentally destructive is beyond question. The toll road's environmental impact report acknowledges that all of the proposed alternatives will be devastating to the environment, and the selected route is only slightly less harmful than other routes. The fact that the project sponsors have secured from Congress an exemption from the usual environmental approvals further reflects the hollowness of arguments that the project
is benign to the environment.

The polluting, noisy six-lane highway would be constructed directly above hundreds of campsites at San Mateo campground, a popular public park where thousands of families can and do enjoy an inexpensive few days near the coast. From there, many walk to Trestles, a beach revered worldwide for its wave quality.

Our parks are not mere reserves to be held in trust until commercial enterprises choose to use them as thoroughfares.

The California Coastal Commission will conduct a hearing on October 10th-11th, in San Pedro, on the proposed Toll Highway.

Court hears more delays in treating sewage from Mexico

The Court is being presented with more information on the ever-slipping delays in treating sewage from Tijuana, in this article by the Voice of San Diego.

Mary Salas named to special working group on State's water

Assembly member Mary Salas (Chula Vista) has been appointed to a special “working group” of legislators to tackle water problems. They will be working during the coming special session of the legislature, focused on water and health care. Also, Assembly member Mary Salas sponsored AB 1521; which would require labels on bottled water to name the source of the water. AB 1521 is now waiting for the Governor's signature.

Less toxic waste from electronics, thanks to Lori Saldana

Current law requires phase-out of toxic materials only in electronic devices with video displays. A new bill, AB48, sponsored by Assembly member Lori Saldana, would stop the toxics that come from other types of electronic or battery-operated devices, including cell phones and ipods. AB48 has passed the legislature and is with the Governor for his signature.

Proposed Gregory Canyon Landfill still has problems

The proposal for the Gregory Canyon Landfill (GCL) is entering a critical phase of the decision-making: In about a month, the Court will determine to see if the proponents have adequately mitigated the environmental problems.

Background: The proposed 1,770 acre Gregory Canyon Landfill site is located in rural northern San Diego County on State Route (SR 76), approximately three miles east of Interstate 15 (I-15) and two miles southwest of the community of Pala. The site is adjacent to the San Luis Rey River and lies along the western slope of Gregory Mountain. Maps show the vicinity and the location.

In 2003, the County prepared a “final” EIR. In 2006, the Court issued a Preemptory Writ of Mandate directing the County of San Diego to correct three identified deficiencies in the 2003 Final EIR, related to traffic, water supply, and biological mitigation. In response, the County identified additional mitigation actions. These were published and processed in a Revised Final EIR.

In May, 2007 the County Director of the Solid Waste Local Enforcement Agency decided that the EIR was acceptable. (Did you notice how the County is certifying its own project.)

Next the County of San Diego and Gregory Canyon Limited will ask the Court to accept their revised plan. The opponents will be fighting in the Court.

OTHER REMAINING ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS: One of the issues with the original EIR was lack of water. The new proposal would have the Landfill getting all of its water from Olivenhain Municipal Water District (OMWD) in the form of recycled water. OMWD approved an agreement to provide the water, including improvements to its recycled water distribution facility. Such an improved facility is needed to allow tanker trucks to fill up with water every 10 minutes, throughout the day, 6 days a week. The tanker trucks would then drive through the Rancho Bernardo area to Interstate 15, North on I-15, then onto SR76 to get to the Landfill. However, OMWD never did an environmental analysis of the traffic caused by this or the improvements. OMWD was sued to require environmental review and that case is currently pending before the courts.

Another problem is a bridge over the San Luis Rey river. GCL is seeking to limit the Section 404 jurisdiction for the project. (Previous wetland delineations showing the canyon is a water of the US and a tributary of the San Louis Rey river.) Originally the local federal office said a larger permit for the entire project is needed. Then the LA office overruled that decision after calls by Congressman Darryl Issa.

GCL and the Corps are currently working with the US Fish and Wildlife Service on a section 7 (FESA) impacts to endangered species. Again, Congressman Darryl Issa’s office has been pressuring to get the project through. The Section 7 is currently on hold, waiting for information from GCL. However, a previous draft USFWS Biological Service Opinion showed that the project would jeopardize the continued existence of the arroyo tads and other species. That previous work was withdrawn at the request of the applicant.

San Vicente Dam increase and maybe a new dam in Moosa Canyon

As the water shortage grows worse, the County Water Authority (CWA) is working to increase the capacity of local reservoirs, including San Vicente. The existing height of San Vicente dam is 220 feet. CWA already has the necessary permits to increase that height by 54 feet. Now the CWA wants permits to raise the height by 117 feet for a total of 337 feet. In their EIR, as an alternative to the extra height, the CWA proposes building a second, new dam in Moosa Canyon (in north county). Building a new dam would have more severe impacts than raising the height of the San Vicente dam. However, local residents downstream from San Vicente have concerns about safety of the new dam during earthquakes, etc. Questions: Is the proposed new dam in Moosa Canyon simply a "straw man" so that San Vicente appears better? Or is a new dam in Moosa Canyon also in our future?

APCD starts review of Escondido power plant upgrade

MMC Energy, Inc. filed a permit application with the Air Pollution Control District to upgrade the MMC Escondido power plant. The proposed upgrade would replace the existing 44MW turbines with 46.5MW equipment. MCC Energy hopes that the new equipment will reduce the overall emissions. However, the APCD has 6 months to review and research the application.

Global Warming: Near term impacts on San Diego

Look at the KPBS report on a near term impacts of Global Warming: low water levels in Lake Mead can lead to water and power shortages in San Diego.

Proposed desalinization plant signs seventh water agency customer

In Carlsbad, Poseidon Resources continues with its proposed ocean-water desalinization plant by signing up its seventh customer. The desalinization plant still needs approval by the the California Coastal Commission. The Coastal Commission hearing is tentatively scheduled for mid-November.

Leaking fuel tanks at Point Loma Naval Base

The Navy is preparing to replace the massively leaking, fuel tanks on Point Loma Naval Base. The Union Tribune has published a good article on this pollution.

LCVSD urges San Diego City Council to support San Onofre State Park and to oppose the toll highway.

The League of Conservation Voters San Diego has urged the San Diego City Council to put the the City of San Diego on record as opposing the proposed six-lane toll “road” through San Onofre State Park.

Imperial County BIOFUELS vs. WATER SUPPLY for San Diego County

Our neighbors in Imperial County have a long history of successful agriculture; thanks to abundant Colorado River water and a climate that "only plants love." Now the rush is on to grow biofuels. Numerous companies are planning on biofuels production in Imperial County: California Ethanol & Power and Batley Farms with sugarcane (Brawley area); Cilion with corn (55 million gallons Brawley area); Imperial Bioresources with cane, corn, and sugar beets (58 million gallons, Brawley area); Imperial Valley Biodiesel with vegetable oil and tallow (three million gallons, El Centro area); Pacific Ethanol with corn (50 million gallons, Calipatria); USFarms Inc. with (corn, 50 million gallons, Brawley area). FYI, Sugarcane especially needs large quantities of water.

However, the ramping up of biofuels bumps up against the water supply. The Imperial Irrigation District will be cutting back the water for agriculture in Imperial Valley due to an agreement to transfer water to San Diego County and the Coachella Valley. In other words, the demand of urban areas for water will conflict with production of biofuels: Water vs. Fuel.

Green Business: Maxwell Technologies

In San Diego, Maxwell Technologies, Inc. has been awarded a contract by Mercedes Car Group to design and produce ultracapacitors for an advanced engineering hybrid-electric drive train. This drive train will recover energy from braking to increase fuel efficiency and reduce emissions. Maxwell Technologies is one of only a few manufacturers of ultracapacitors, which are electric storage devices with different electrical characteristics than batteries. Ultracapacitors are used in a variety of applications, including hybrid-electric vehicles.

SDSU's growth plan: Where is the final EIR?

The problems continue with the proposed 2007 Campus Master Plan Revision for San Diego State University. You may recall that at least two lawsuits have been filed against SDSU due to the potential impacts of its new growth plan. Negotiations with the City of San Diego and other affected public agencies are ongoing at this time. SDSU has decided to delay release of the final EIR until the negotiations are concluded. Their stated reasons are "to facilitate the conclusion of these negotiations, and in response to a request by the City of San Diego". Deferring the release of the final EIR seems to be bad for all impacted citizens and businesses who are not part of their designated "public agencies".

As part of this delay, the date for the California State University Board of Trustees hearing has been changed to Nov.13 and 14.

Water Conservation Summit on Oct 12th

The 2007 Water Conservation Summit will be held on October 12th

Battle of Seals vs. Children's Pool: Legal setback for the Seals

In the Fourth District Appellate Court, the Panel ruled that the terms of the 1931 deed for Children's Pool requires the city to maintain the pool for the exclusive use of San Diego's children. That would mean moving the seals off the beach and cleaning up the seal excrement. (Each week the County Health Department issues warnings about the pollution in Children's Pool.)

The City Attorney has said he will appeal the decision by the Appellate Court. If he is not successful, the City will have to get approvals from the California Coastal Commission and the Federal Government.

Background: As human population grows and development continues, wild species are usually pushed back or even threatened. However, as most San Diegan's know, the exception are the seals in La Jolla's Children's Pool. The seal population has increased over the decades; resulting in them to moving from offshore rocks to the sand at Children's Beach. To beach-goers, that is not surprising since laying on warm sand is far more comfortable than cold, hard rocks.

The City's initial response to the seal settlement was a strange policy of dual use by people and seals. That "compromise" policy resulted in numerous confrontations between beach goers and seal-protection activists.

More protection for City of San Diego's canyons - Christine Kehoe's bill passes Assembly

In the San Diego, almost 6,000 acres of city-owned open space remain vulnerable because they are not officially dedicated, protected open space. These include large tracts in Mission Trails Regional Park, Los Penasquitos Canyon Preserve, and Otay Valley Regional Park. Changing from open space to another use only requires action by the San Diego City Council.

Under State Senator Christine Kehoe's Senate Bill 373, the nearly 6,000 acres of city-owned open space, will become "dedicated." Such status means that a public vote would be required for those areas to be used for anything other than open space or park land.

SB 373 saves the City of San Diego an estimated $1.5 million in processing costs, and requires the city council to adopt a list of specific parcels to be protected, before 2008.

Her bill passed the State Assembly on September 6th. The Senate must now approve Assembly changes made to SB 373, before the bill heads to the governor for action.

"My legislation allows the City of San Diego to live up to its commitment to protect our urban canyons and other open space," said Kehoe.

Another Sewage Spill

Not long after the City of San Diego signed a consent degree to reduce sewage spills, the San Diego Metro Wastewater Department said that at least 36,000 gallons of sewage spilled into a canyon and maybe into Lake Hodges (which supplies drinking water).

Pala Casino and Highway 76

The Pala Band of Mission Indians plan to increase their casino facilities by over 40%. As part of their tribal-state gaming compact, they will help mitigate traffice by providing at least $38 million of improvements for State Route 76.

Valley Center Water District to go solar

The Valley Center Municipal Water District is moving ahead with a contractor to build a photovoltaic system up to 1.2 Megawatts for electricity and water pumping power. The actual size of the system will be determined by the results of environmental and site engineering work. Construction will start this year, with completion scheduled for May 2008.

Green Business: American Biodiesel

Encinitas-based, American Biodiesel Inc., aka Community Fuels, will receive $8 million in $8 million of tax-exempt bonds from the State to assist building a biodiesel plant at the Port of Stockton.

Coastkeeper gets patrol boat

Coastkeeper will soon begin patrolling San Diego Bay looking for pollution, using a donated boat. The San Diego Marina and the Kona Kai Marina provided the 19-foot Boston Whaler boat.

SANDAG's 2007 Regional Transportation Plan

SANDAG has updated their Regional Transportation Plan. FYI, in essence, SANDAG is responsible for all regional transportation planning, fund allocation, project development, and construction, especially in the public transit arena. This means that SANDAG has enormous power to shape the future of San Diego County. The new Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) has many proposals for highway upgrades, high-occupancy vehicle lanes, rail and bus transit, and traffic management systems.

The draft EIR for the RTP found that the proposed 2007 would result in significant, potentially unmitigable impacts to Land Use, Visual Resources, Air Quality, Noise, Energy, Global Climate Change, and Biological Resources. Other issue areas, including Geology/Paleontology, Water Resources, Cultural Resources, and Hazards and Hazardous Materials would result in significant but mitigable impacts. Impacts to Regional Water Supply, Traffic/Circulation, and Environmental Justice would be less than significant. Cumulative impacts were found to occur in the areas of Land Use, Social Environment, Visual Resources, Air Quality, Noise, Energy, Global Climate Change, Geology/Paleontology, Water Resources, Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, and Hazards and Hazardous Materials. Implementation of the proposed 2007 RTP would not be able to avoid these impacts. Mitigation measures included in the EIR and measures outlined in individual project-specific environmental analysis could mitigate many impacts to below a level of significance. However, significant impacts in the areas of Land Use, Visual Resources, Air Quality, Noise, Energy, Global Climate Change, and Biological Resources potentially could not be mitigated.

The opportunity for public comment on the RTP will end September 17, 2007.

Less protection for the Least Tern?

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has ignored it's staff biologist and recommended reducing the protection status of the California Least Tern. If approved, that may allow some prime land to be developed, including land at the San Diego Airport. The Least Tern is vulnerable because it lays eggs directly on the sand. Since most sandy beaches are used for recreation, the hatching is disrupted. The Center for Biological Diversity has filed a notice of its intent to sue the wildlife service. More information is in this Voice of San Diego article.

Massive water cuts still being evaluated

In August, a U.S. District Court judge ordered a massive reduction in water supplies from the state's two largest water delivery systems, the State Water Project (SWP) and Central Valley Project (CVP), to protect an endangered fish species, the Delta smelt. While state and local water agencies are still analyzing the potential impacts, this ruling might force massive changes in water rates, uses, and even developments. The ruling comes on top of on-going drought/climate change, and increasing demands for water from the Colorado River. A list of possible impacts can be seen at

$100 million funding for transportation projects reports about $100 million in funding for five transportation projects in San Diego County. In Santee, about $79.5 million will be spent for a 4-lane freeway from Cuyamaca Street to Route 125. The remainder will be spent on four transit related projects.

EIR for Encinitas Hall Property Community Park

In Encinitas, after considerable controversy and work for open space, the draft EIR has been issued for the proposed Hall Property Community Park. The project site is a 44± acre parcel, immediately west of Interstate 5 in Encinitas. The property is known as the Hall property and was previously used for agricultural flower cultivation.

Green Business: Reaction Design gets grant from U.S.

In San Diego, the Reaction Design company has been awarded a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy for a two-year study of the chemical and transport phenomena that take place during biofuel combustion.

Oceanside Resort Towers Would Worsen Downtown Traffic

In Oceanside, two, eight-story towers are proposed, about 2 blocks from the pier. The draft EIR states, among other impacts, the hotel-condominiums would make traffic much worse in downtown Oceanside.

Green Business: ISE Makes Hybrid Drives for Buses

In Poway, ISE Corp. has received another order for its hybrid drive systems. The systems improve fuel economy; aiding the battle against global warming. ISE provides electric, hybrid-electric, and fuel cell technologies for heavy-duty vehicles such as buses, trucks, trams, airport equipment, and military vehicles.

San Marcos Creek Plan

The City of San Marcos is preparing 248 acres for development, by beginning the EIR for the "San Marcos Creek Specific Plan and Creek Improvement Project".

Sunrise Powerlink

The Voice of San Diego published an excellent article on the proposed powerline: The Partly Cloudy PowerLink.

Recently, Supervisor Ron Roberts and San Diego Mayor Sanders signed a joint letter to the state Public Utilities Commission, reiterating their support for the Sunrise Powerlink.With Ron Roberts as the ceremonial Chairman of the County, the implication was that he stated the official position of the County of San Diego. Special thanks is due to Supervisor Dianne Jacobs who fired off a letter to the PUC; reminding them that the County of San Diego has not taken a position on the Powerlink.

Opponents to the Powerlink have far less money than SDG&E, of course. To raise funds, they are staging a music and crafts festival for three days: September 28th, 29th. The web site for that fund raiser is:

Blackwater USA vs. Potrero Planning Group

In rural Potrero, Blackwater USA wants a center for training its private military contractors. This facility would cause a variety of environmental impacts; from its a helicopter landing pad, traffic, live firearms, etc. This center would be located is in the very rural east county, on a former cattle and chicken ranch. In December 2006, the Potrero Planning Group voted to recommend approval to county officials. More recently, residents have gathered signatures to recall the five members of the Potrero Planning Group who voted for approval. In addition, three other seats on the Planning Group were declared vacant; after county officials determined that the County Board of Supervisors did not properly appoint them.

Assembly Member Lori Saldana Honored by WiLDCOAST

On October 7th, WiLDCOAST will present California Assembly member Lori Saldana with its Environmental Award.

August 25, 2007

SAN ONOFRE STATE PARK/TRESTLES vs. PROPOSED TOLL HIGHWAY SR241 (LCVSD supports the Park and opposes the proposed toll road) - The California Coastal Commission will be hearing the application for the proposed toll road in October at a hearing in San Pedro. At the same time, a major propaganda campaign has been started the Toll Road Authority and some city council members from Orange County. Also, more opposition is coming from the Juaneño Band of Mission Indians in order to protect an ancient village site, Panhe. The toll road would be built next to the Panhe village site.

SUNRISE POWERLINK (LCVSD opposes the proposed route) - The Federal Government may override any opposition to the Sunrise PowerLink from residents, local and state governments! In 2005, the U.S. Energy Policy Act gave Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to preempt local control. Now the U.S. Department of Energy has started to exert control by proposing to designate 11 counties in Southern California, southern Nevada and western Arizona as "National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors." Separate from this federal action, some of the opposition to the Sunrise PowerLink are proposing to change state law and require the SDG&E buy back excess electric power from solar roofs. By changing the law, homeowners would have incentives to produce extra solar-electricity that could be distributed by SDG&E. In addition, SDG&E has asked the PUC to delay decisions by only a month, instead of the 4 to 6 months.

MEGA-DEVELOPMENT IN SANTEE - Over 1,300 homes are proposed to be built on the old Fanita Ranch in Santee. An Environmental Impact Report is available for comments until October 5th. Fanita Ranch is in northwestern Santee, adjacent to the east end of Miramar Marine Corp Air Station.

EXPANDED FOSSIL FUEL ELECTRIC GENERATION PLANNED BY MCC ENERGY - Karl Miller, CEO OF MMC Energy, recently summarized his company's plans for it's two fossil-fueled power plants in San Diego County. In Chula Vista, MCC plans to expand the existing plant from about 44 megawatts to 100 megawatts. In Escondido, MCC Energy plans to expand their existing plant in Escondido to 45 megawatts. Since 45 megawatts is under the State's threshold for review, MCC Energy expects to only need a local permit from the City of Escondido; such as a simple conditional use permit like a local contractor's permit.

HIGHER COSTS TO DRIVE, PLUS HIGHER TRANSIT FEES - The U.S. Department of Transportation may provide a one-time grant to San Diego to implement "congestion charges" for highways, etc. The idea is to increase the costs to travel at peak times. The hope is that some people may shift their travel times to less congested periods. Even if that does not work, governments could collect millions of dollars in revenue. Separately, the San Diego Metropolitan Transit Service raised bus fares, dropped transfers and even eliminated some routes. This situation seems like a government "Catch 22." Why would SANDAG want to raise the costs of driving, while transit becomes a less viable alternative?

GLOBAL WARMING-TRANSPORTATION PLANS OPPOSED BY SANDAG - State Senate Bill 375, if passed, asks SANDAG, and other regional transportation planning agencies, to fight global warming by including local strategies to locate housing near jobs, shopping and public transit to reduce driving of cars. The incentive is the millions of State transportation funds that are currently controlled by SANDAG. In July, the Board of SANDAG voted 11-4 to oppose this bill, on the grounds that it might limit their "local control." It seems ironical that SANDAG wants "local control" over State Funds and resists such State legislation. Previously, the California Attorney General sent letters to SANDAG and the City of San Diego requesting that they reduce traffic via their plans.

SOLAR HOT WATER HEATING - Assembly Member Lori Saldaña (D-San Diego), is co-author of The Solar Hot Water and Efficiency Act of 2007 (AB 1470). She said “These systems allow homes and businesses to slice their natural gas consumption by half. This helps consumers reduce their energy consumption, lower greenhouse emissions from traditional natural-gas water heating systems, and save on their energy bills.” In addition, San Diego's Center for Sustainable Energy is now accepting applications for subsidies to convert to solar water heaters.

POLLUTION FROM THE MISSION VALLEY PETROLEUM STORAGE FACILITY - In 1992, the owner of the petroleum storage tanks in Mission Valley, Kinder Morgan, was ordered to clean up the large, underground plume of pollution from the leaking facility. Now, City Attorney Michael Aguirre has filed suit to speed up the effort by Kinder Morgan. The new suit wants a total, faster cleanup, especially under the City's Qualcomm Stadium and in the tainted water supply in Mission Valley.

SDSU EXPANSION VS. NEIGHBORS - Like so many university campuses, San Diego State University plans for major expansion of its campus. That expansion would produce major impacts, including traffic. The trustees of California State University expect to vote on the plan on September 18th. Lawsuits opposing the proposal have been filed by Alvarado Hospital, the City of San Diego, and others.

REVIEWING THE FINES AGAINST ESCONDIDO FOR SEWAGE POLLUTION - Previously, the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) had charged the City of Escondido and it's treatment plant with over 90 violations of water quality through December 2005. This resulted in $1.8 million in fines for releases of waste water from the Hale Ave Treatment Plant, including dumping into Escondido Creek and San Elijo Lagoon. Then the Regional Water Quality Board reduced the fines, based on statements by the City of Escondido. Now, the Escondido Creek Conservancy and the San Diego Coastkeeper have convinced the State Water Resources Control Board to review that settlement, with its reduced fines. That review is scheduled for September 18th.

BARNETT RANCH OPEN SPACE - In Ramona, the 700 acre, Barnett Ranch Preserve is now open. The County bought the former ranch in 2002. Eventually, it may be connected with 4,000 acre Monte Vista Ranch property that was bought in 2005 by the Nature Conservancy. However, the property may be impacted by the proposed expansion of power line from the Sunrise Powerlink project.

DEVELOPMENT BY VIEJAS - The Viejas Band of Kumeyaay Indians is planning a massive expansion of its developments, including its casino. Since it currently taps the very limited ground water; it is purchasing more water from sources outside San Diego County.

ENVIRONMENTAL BUSINESS MAKES GREENER SURFBOARD BLANKS - The Homeblown manufacturing plant in San Diego is now producing foam blanks for surfboards made from soy polyol instead of petroleum polyol.

August 4, 2007

LEGAL CONSENT DECREE TO IMPROVE THE SEWER SYSTEM - The City of San Diego will spend approximately $1 billion over the next six years to make improvements to its sewer system under a comprehensive settlement filed by the Justice Department and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The consent decree filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California by the United States, along with co-plaintiffs Surfrider Foundation and San Diego Coastkeeper (Baykeeper), is the third settlement that addresses current violations in the city's sewer system, and will require the city to continue to undertake capital projects and perform operations and maintenance through 2013, to prevent future spills of raw sewage from San Diego's system.

SAN ONOFRE STATE PARK/TRESTLES vs. PROPOSED TOLL HIGHWAY SR241 (LCVSD supports the Park and opposes the proposed toll road) - Senator Dianne Feinstein is receiving many letters, including a letter from the LCVSD, asking her to support the amendment to the Defense Authorization bill sponsored by the Congresswoman Susan Davis. That amendment would remove the previously authorized, special exemption to State and Federal laws. The Davis amendment does not block the proposed six-lane highway through the state park. It simply eliminates the special exemption so that the project would be subject to the same environmental reviews and approvals as other projects.

SUNRISE POWERLINK (LCVSD opposes the proposed route) - After hearings by the PUC, the design and cost-benefit estimates are being extensively revised by SDG&E. The revisions are expected to take months to prepare.

WIND POWER PROJECT IN LA RUMOROSA - Sempra announced that they expect the unlevered-internal-rate-of-return to be in the high single digits for the proposed wind facility in La Rumorosa, Baja California. Previously, Sempra announced a 20-year agreement to sell the electricity to Southern California Edison. Question: Which transmission lines will be used by Sempra to send the electricity north from Baja?

GLOBAL WARMING VS. SANDAG - The California Attorney General has sent a letter to the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) telling them to revise their regional transportation plan to fight global warming. Previously, the Attorney General has pressured the City of San Diego on this issue.

GLOBAL WARMING VS. STATE BUDGET BATTLE - During the recent battles over the state budget, some Republicans pushed the legislature to stop the California Attorney General, Jerry Brown, from acting on global warming.

GLOBAL WARMING NOT ALLOWED IN SANTEE? - In the City of Santee, Mayor Randy Voepel, has refused to sign the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement. He says he believes that the mayor's agreement is "frivolous" and the climate change, if any, is simply part of the earth's natural cycles. Over 630 mayors have signed the agreement, including mayors of Solana Beach, San Diego, La Mesa, and Del Mar. The Mayor's stance has "heated up" the race to find candidates to oppose him in the next election.
DEVELOPMENT OF NAVY BROADWAY COMPLEX - The City of San Diego has been asked to review the project again because of a new report that documents an active earthquake fault near the property.

SAN ONOFRE NUCLEAR PLANT IMPROVES SECURITY - Embarrassed officials have quickly improved security procedures at San Onofre after an sleeping illegal alien rode a rail freight car onto the facility. The intruder did not get through the inner perimeter fence.

DESALINIZATION PLANT IN CARLSBAD COMPLETES APPLICATION - The staff of the California Coastal Commission has accepted the application as completed. The Commission will schedule a formal hearing sometime between November 14th to November 16th. Poseidon is seeking to build the desalinization plant near the power plant in Carlsbad. Poseidon is already contracting with water agencies for the fresh water.

NATURAL GAS PROJECTS BY SEMPRA - Sempra Energy's CEO, Donald Felsinger, told financial analysts that its multi-billion-dollar bets on expanded liquefied natural gas (LNG), interstate natural gas pipelines and LNG storage facilities are close to payoff.

PROPOSED EXPANSION OF CASINO VS. WATER SUPPLY IN CAMPO - The Golden Acorn Casino, located in East County on I-8, is proposing a major expansion. Recently the County Community Planning Group of Boulevard voted to oppose this expansion; because the entire area depends on water from wells. County Supervisor Dianne Jacob has requested the county's hydrologist examine the water supply.

ANOTHER COMPANY FOR ALGAE BIOFUELS - Another company, the San Diego Center for Sustainable Bioenergy, is being formed in San Diego County to develop biofuels from algae. We previously reported that Green Star Products, in Chula Vista, is also working on algae biofuels.

WATER CONSERVATION 2007 SUMMIT - As we continue through the 2nd year of the major drought, a special summit will bring together a variety of professionals to encourage market-based strategies for water-efficient landscaping, water auditing, and recycled water use. The summit meets 8 a.m. to 4 pm, October 12th at the University of San Diego's Joan Kroc Center for Peace and Justice.

July 15, 2007

SAN ONOFRE STATE PARK/TRESTLES vs. PROPOSED TOLL HIGHWAY SR241 (LCVSD supports the Park and opposes the proposed toll road) - Did you know that only two of San Diego County's elected officials support the Toll Road: Congressman Darrel Issa and State Senator Mark Wyland. You can see a list of TCA supporters on the ftcsouth web site web site. Of the 46 elected officials listed on their web site, only Congressman Darrel Issa and State Senator Mark Wyland are from San Diego County; no other elected officials from San Diego County appear on that list. Recently, Congressman Darrel Issa has been getting some bad publicity by a variety of local supporters of the park via letters to the editor. (click the link, then scroll down to see the letters).

SUNRISE POWERLINK (LCVSD opposes the proposed route) - SDG&E announced a change in the design of its proposed, $1.3 billion transmission line across Anza-Borrego State Park. The current, lower-voltage transmission infrastructure uses wooden poles within a 100 foot wide easement. In contrast, the original proposal proposed 150 foot-tall metal towers in an expanded easement of 150 feet. Now SDG&E is suggesting a new facility that could stay within the current easement and be built with "H-Frame" towers that would be 99-feet-tall and 80-feet wide.

During recent hearings by the California Public Utilities Commission (PUC), a SDG&E Senior Vice President commented that the proposed PowerLink would help deliver renewable power from new projects in the desert to the east. However, he stated that they would not guarantee that only renewable power is carried and that it may also carry electricity generated from coal. Also, during the PUC hearings, considerable testimony was submitted regarding the costs, rate-payer obligations, and alternatives that may be lower priced. The final decision from the PUC is expected in early 2008.

NEW ALTERNATIVE ENERGY BUSINESS ASSOCIATION - A new non-profit trade association, CleanTECH San Diego, has been formed to foster energy and environmental technology businesses in the San Diego County. The organization will be incubated at CONNECT, UCSD's technology and business accelerator.

SMART METERS FOR ELECTRICITY CONSERVATION - SDG&E is proceeding with its smart meter project, which will eventually enable varying electric rates by time of day and critical peaks. In other parts of the U.S., users get pricing information that allows them to change their usage and save energy.
BAY POLLUTION LAWSUIT - San Diego Coastkeeper has sued the U.S. Navy, alleging that the military is polluting San Diego Bay by discharging storm water loaded with toxins. The suit, filed Tuesday in federal court in San Diego by Coastkeeper, claims the Navy and the Department of Defense have allowed zinc, copper and other contaminants to enter the bay at nearly 400 times the legal limit. Coastkeeper asked the court to stop polluting and force the Navy to restore the bay, which could cost tens of millions of dollars. Coastkeeper's lawsuit is based on about four years of water-monitoring data that Navy officials submitted to pollution regulators. "By the Navy's own admission, they are violating their discharge limits pretty severely," said Bruce Reznik, Coastkeeper executive director.

MORE WIND POWER - Sempra has purchased co-development rights for a proposed 250-megawatt wind generation project in La Rumorosa, Baja California. The wind turbines would be built along the eastern ridge lines of the Sierra Juarez mountains near La Rumorosa. Sempra stated that all of its energy is planned for export to the U.S. Sempra also announced 20-year agreement to sell the electricity to Southern California Edison.

LOCAL BUSINESS FOR HYBRID ELECTRIC BUSES - ISE Corp, in Poway, announced more orders for its hybrid electric drive systems for buses.

GLOBAL WARMING AND THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO - Under pressure from the California Attorney General, the City of San Diego is revising it General Plan to reduce global warming. The AG wants specific measurable actions instead of the platitudes in the original draft. That is causing some tension and splits in city staffers and politicians; between those who want to accommodate development vs. those concerned with climate change.
program for solar water heating is being organized by San Diego's California Center for Sustainable Energy. $1.5 million in incentives have been set aside for that pilot program.

GLOBAL WARMING AND IMPROVED FUEL STANDARDS - Thanks to State Senator Christine Kehoe, San Diego, who has sponsored and is pushing for two bills to help global warming. One bill would increase use of renewable biodiesel. The second bill would fix in law, an executive order by Governor Schwarzenegger, to reduce carbon content in transportation fuels.

LAWSUIT FOR THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF NAVY BROADWAY COMPLEX - The California Coastal Commission has been sued by Developer Doug Manchester to stop further review of his proposed Navy Broadway complex project near downtown San Diego.

DELAY OF THE PROPOSED DESALINIZATION PLANT IN CARLSBAD - For the fourth time, The California Coastal Commission has reject the plan for a desalinization plant proposed to be built near the Encina Power Plant on Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The unresolved issues focus on possible damage to sea life by the water intake, environmental mitigation and financial feasibility.

SEWAGE ON THE BORDER CONTINUES - The battles continue on how to deal with sewage flowing from Mexico into the United States, whether by the Bajagua plant and/or the International Treatment Plant (ITP). It appears that organizational "turf" issues and the huge monies involved have led to battles in Congress. In the meantime, the sewage continues to flow.

LOCAL BUSINESS WORKING ON BIODIESEL FROM ALGAE - Green Star Products, Inc., in Chula Vista, announced completion of its Phase II Algae-To-Biodiesel Demonstration Facility. While considerable research and development is needed to perfect Algae-To-Biodiesel technology, its promise has attracted venture funding to several companies. Such investments come from the potential of algae: (1) Algae may produce up 100 times more oil per acre than traditional food oilseed crops (i.e. corn, soy, etc.), 2) Algae eat CO2, the major global warming gas, and produce oxygen, 3) Algae require only sunshine and may use non-drinkable (salt or brackish) water, 4) Algae do not compete with food crops for prime agricultural land, 5) Algae are renewable and grow rapidly.

STATE SUPPORT OF SOLAR WATER HEATING - Solar bill, AB 1470 Solar Hot Water and Efficiency Act of 2007, has passed the State Assembly and one of three Senate Committees. Also, a test program for solar water heating is being organized by San Diego's California Center for Sustainable Energy. $1.5 million in incentives have been set aside for that pilot program.

GREEN BUILDING - The Ranch House at Del Sur, the information center for the newly opened master-planned community in north San Diego, was awarded a Platinum LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification, a program of the U.S. Green Building Council and the most widely recognized standard worldwide for sustainable, high-performance, low-energy-use buildings.

NAVY HELPS IMPROVE AIR POLLUTION - The Navy has replaced an old generator with a cleaner burning gas turbine at the San Diego Naval Medical Center. Even though the power output is double the old generator, the emissions of nitrogen oxides are substantially reduced, by 14.7 tons per year.

LOCAL ELECTIONS MAY COST MORE - A State Senate committee, the Elections, Reapportionment and Constitutional Amendments Committee, has approved a bill that would eviscerate the ability of local governments to limit spending on campaign funds in local races. Assemblyman Martin Garrick, R-Carlsbad/Solana Beach is the sponsor of the bill which would allow unlimited "member communications", unless state law should also happened to have such limits. For some years, big-money interests have tried to used a "back-door loophole" to fund campaigns; beyond the limits set by local governments. The procedure involves big donations to political parties, who in-turn would send out "member communications" supporting a candidate. This proposed legislation would prevent local governments from capping such "back-door" donations.

June 22, 2007

The League of Conservation Voters San Diego (LCVSD) is gearing up to help environmental candidates and issues during the upcoming 2008 elections. This effort will include interviewing and endorsing candidates; plus raising funds to directly help environmental candidates and issues.

On May 28th 2007 LCVSD held a fundraising reception where we raised over $5,000. Yet much more is needed to make a difference. You can help build this fund by contributing at the LCVSD web.


BEN HUESO AND THE CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION - LCVSD would like to thank the California Coastal Commission (; and particularly our local Commissioners San Diego City
Councilmember Ben Hueso ( and Chairman Patrick Kruer - for its critical June 13 vote (
) to protect 15,000 Monterey Pines from a proposed golf development in Pebble Beach. The high-profile project, which was backed by Hollywood legend, Clint Eastwood,would have affected more than 100 acres of undeveloped land in the Del Monte Forest, jeopardizing one of five remaining stands of old-growth Monterey pines in the world.
Please thank Councilmember Hueso ( for his important stand. Also,Lorena Gonzalez has been appointed as the alternate for Ben Hueso to the Coastal Commission. Ms. Gonzalez is an environmental attorney, Political Director for the San Diego-Imperial Counties Labor Council, and a board member of the

AWARD TO MAYOR ANTONIO VILLARIAGOSA- On May 28th, at our Spring fundraising reception, Antonio Villariagosa, Mayor of the City of Los Angeles, received a special award for his leadership. We appreciate
his efforts to build coalitions, especially between environmental groups and labor.

SAN ONOFRE STATE PARK/TRESTLES vs. PROPOSED TOLL HIGHWAY SR 241(LCVSD supports the Park and opposes the proposed toll road)- In the past, the Orange County Transportation Corridor Agencies (TCA)had Congress
pass a federal exemption from many of California's laws. Fortunately, Congresswoman Susan Davis recently sponsored legislation to remove that federal exemption. If that measure passes the Senate, the TCA will be required to respect California laws. Thank you Susan Davis!

SUNRISE POWERLINK (LCVSD opposes the proposed route)- Hearings by the California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) will be in July 2007 in San Diego. Also, the Utility Consumers' Action Network(UCAN) recently released and defended a proposed alternative, with its$120 million estimate costs (vs. $1.3 Billion for the Sunrise Powerlink). In
turn, SDG&E has filed documents with the State PUC against the UCAN plan. Adding to the confusion, the Federal government may preempt the authority of the State of California and of local governments to grant approval of the power line.


WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - San Diego County Water Authority, the City of San Diego, and the County of San Diego are seeking public comments on their proposed Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWM Plan).
The IRWM Plan identifies programs and projects to optimize water supply reliability and water quality. It may have significant environmental impacts. The draft IRWM Plan and Public Comment Form can be found at the San Diego IRWM Plan website (

ALTERNATIVE ENERGY - San Diego was selected by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)for one of it's "Solar America Cities" awards to promote solar-powered technologies.

ALTERNATIVE ENERGY - Two businesses,Genomatica Inc. and Verenium
(Diversa) Corp., have increased their efforts to develop Biofuels.

ALTERNATIVE ENERGY - Bull Moose Energy, LLC. will get a $60 million investment to design and build an electric generating facility that is fueled by biomass waste products, such as wood waste. The facility will be located on a 20-acre parcel in South Otay Mesa.

GREEN BUILDING - The State Department of Motor Vehicles building in San Ysidro has received a special award for it's green design and photovoltaic panels on its roof.

SEWAGE TREATMENT - The City of San Diego may soon be the last holdout on the California coast to resist secondary treatment of sewage. Some in the City hope to renew its exemption by the Federal EPA and avoid
secondary treatment of sewage into the ocean.

TOXIC POLLUTION - Toxic pollution has increased in San Diego County according to the Voice of San Diego report on EPA's Toxic Release Inventory (

ENERGY EFFICIENCY - Six major consumers of energy were honored by SDG&E for their energy efficiencies: QUALCOMM, The Burnham Institute for Medical Research, Sweetwater Union High School District, Teamwork
Athletic Apparel, The Ranch House at Del Sur, and American Lighting Supply.