The League of Conservation Voters San Diego County (LCVSD) has urged the California Coastal Commission to reject, in its entirety, the proposed sixteen-mile "Foothill South" 241 toll highway construction through San Onofre State Park.
That this project is environmentally destructive is beyond question. The toll road's environmental impact report acknowledges that all of the proposed alternatives will be devastating to the environment, and the selected route is only slightly less harmful than other routes. The fact that the project sponsors have secured from Congress an exemption from the usual environmental approvals further reflects the hollowness of arguments that the project
is benign to the environment.
The polluting, noisy six-lane highway would be constructed directly above hundreds of campsites at San Mateo campground, a popular public park where thousands of families can and do enjoy an inexpensive few days near the coast. From there, many walk to Trestles, a beach revered worldwide for its wave quality.
Our parks are not mere reserves to be held in trust until commercial enterprises choose to use them as thoroughfares.
The California Coastal Commission will conduct a hearing on October 10th-11th, in San Pedro, on the proposed Toll Highway.