Two more environmental bills from State Senator Christine Kehoe have reached the Governor for his signature:
SB 419, Preserving San Diego River: SB 419 will further protect the San Diego River by strengthening the state agency which oversees the 52-mile water route. It expands the San Diego River Conservancy's governing board, widens the agency's jurisdiction beyond the current half mile range on either side of the river, and adds cultural and historic resource protection to its mission. Senator Kehoe first created the San Diego River Conservancy with a bill in 2002.
SB 451, Generating renewable power by local governments: SB 451 will encourage local governments to generate their own renewable power. Right now, there is no way for surplus renewable power generated from one government location to be "banked" or "credited" toward the power use of another location. SB 451 gives cities the option of transferring electricity generated at one city-controlled property to meet the power needs of other city properties.